Business Development Database

The Life Science Nation Business Development Database is the premier life science company database, covering emerging biotech & medtech company profiles, product pipelines, licensing opportunities, financing rounds, technologies, licensing deals and management details. The LSN Business Development Database has a particular focus on the bottom third of the market that is missed by traditional data providers. This makes it the most comprehensive database of its kind.

Click here to view the LSN Business Development Database demo

The LSN Business Development Database provides unprecedented visibility on over 60,000 companies around the world.

LSN’s proprietary search ontology allows business development executives to efficiently and intuitively identify a target list of companies that are a fit for their criteria – all in just a few clicks.

The search criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • Region and Country
  • Main Sector
  • Subsector
  • Indication and Sub-indication
  • Business Model
  • Phase of Development
  • Financial Information

The database provides functionality to further increase the efficiency of searching for companies of best fit. This includes the ability to bookmark companies, download or print profiles, download or export search results, and set up automatic email alerts.