Investor Database

The Life Science Nation Investor Database is a one of a kind life science-specific investor platform available to scientist/entrepreneurs raising capital. Present and future-looking investor data is collected and curated by LSN’s Investor Research team. LSN developed a multistep process starting with web-research and validation of current and accurate information. This is enhanced by one-on-one conversations that occur every 90 days to identify and update active mandates. Fundraising executives can use the LSN’s Investor Platform to match up with investors that are a fit for their particular stage, sector, or disease area, making the fundraising process more effective and efficient.


Click here to view the LSN Investor Database demo

The LSN Investor Database covers over 10,000+ active life science investors across the following 10 categories:

  • Angel Groups
  • Corporate Venture Capital
  • Endowments/Foundations
  • Family Office/Private Wealth Funds
  • Government Organizations
  • Hedge Funds
  • Institutional Alternative Investors
  • Large Pharma/ Biotech Companies
  • Private Equity
  • Venture Capital

LSN’s proprietary search ontology allows fundraising executives to efficiently identify a target list of investors that are a fit for their company.

Searchable investment parameters include, but are not limited to:

  • Sector
  • Subsector
  • Indication
  • Phase of development
  • Geography
  • Capital structure

The database provides functionality to further increase the efficiency of searching for investors of best fit. This includes the ability to bookmark companies, download or print profiles, download or export search results, and set up email alerts.